Latest news
Articles below have been written or curated by Ann-Louise Anderson, Company Director of InScience.
Tips for respiratory virus testing
In New Zealand and Australia, the activity of acute respiratory diseases is at a higher level than usual for this time of year because of rhinoviruses and SARS-CoV-2, according to recent health department data. If a patient has a fever and cough and feels exhausted,...
ADHD, medications and workplace drug testing programmes
ADHD affects around one in twenty New Zealanders and the number of people diagnosed with the disorder is on the rise. In recent years in particular, there has been a steep increase in the number of adults diagnosed with ADHD. But what’s this got to do with workplace...
DC 3000 by Draeger
DC 3000 - Introducing the Draeger DrugCheck (DC) 3000 from InscienceAre you looking for a cutting-edge solution to ensure safety and compliance in your workplace? Look no further than the Draeger DrugCheck 3000. Inscience are the premium NZ distributor of this unique...
Complications of Medicinal (THC) Cannabis- Part 1 of a series of 5 articles
The use of medicinal cannabis among adults in New Zealand is on the rise, leading to concerns about health impacts. Doctors are often reluctant to discuss the topic or inform patients about potential risks. However, cannabis can have serious side effects, especially...
RSV here this winter with a vengeance
RSV here this winter with a vengeance Before the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, most RSV seasons were pretty typical - A Flu/RSV season would start in the late Autumn with cases trickling in from mid- to late April, and then a peak in late July to mid-August. By the...
Vaccination for Influenza and Covid Winter 2023
Vaccination for Covid (boosters) and the 'flu vaccination can now be administered in one visit. Vaccination - love it or hate it - will assist in reducing the number of NZers getting these viruses and passing them on, will also reduce the severity of the 'flu and or...
What Viral perils await us in the coming winter?
A recent study out of Switzerland examined the risks posed by Influenza A and B and RSV alongside Covid 19 variants which all have significant winter mortality rates to concern us in NZ this winter. Inscience have just launched a 4 in one rapid nasal pen test to...
Whats New for Covid 2023
“Pandemic transition to Endemic, emerging variants, China surge in infections, vaccination and measures to reduce transmission”Experts tracking the pandemic agree there is and will continue to be surges and evolving challenges with Covid infections in 2023. NZ is in...
Under-reporting of COVID cases
Stuff article points to an issue with underreporting of Covid cases – my response[Click here to read the original news article]It is with interest that I read this news article that cites 50 million RATs distributed throughout NZ but only 1 million results...
Key information about RAT testing
Key information about Rapid Antigen TestingHere's a handy infographic to summarise the main points about the Roche RAT test. You can find out more about the RAT test on this page, and when you're ready to make a purchase, take a look at our shop page.
The legacy of cannabis legalisation
The legacy of cannabis legalisationThis link relates to a late night happenstance that made for an interesting watch. Main interest for Ann-louise was cannabis as a gateway drug, the emergence of dangerous edibles since cannabis has been legalised in Colorado and a...
Rapid drug testing product for your Workplace from Inscience
Key elements — testing isn’t just for people who don’t want or can’t get the vaccine. It’s another tool that can be applied for everyone initially in the workplace but also when possible in the community to identify risk, prevent infection transmission and stay as...
Covid Testing Products
Leading rapid antigen testing and antibody testing products - InScience is renowned for sourcing the highest quality, economic and best performing on site test solutions. Two options NZ Govt/MOH approved for wider workplace use - SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal -...
Vaccination and Rapid antigen testing- how they work together for NZ
Vaccines are available to anyone over the age of 12 who wants it in the New Zealand and soon available for those 5-12 years old along with booster shots for those who were vaccinated 6 months or longer ago. So why should we consider, call for and use COVID testing?...
Rapid antigen testing in COVID-19 population risk management
As the sole screening mechanism for COVID in real-time population management, PCR testing is not enough. Rapid antigen testing plays an integral, complementary role to PCR confirmatory testing. Regular testing with rapid results, multiple times a week, can greatly...
Rapid antigen testing? The big picture
Testing for(target) is different than PCR targets to detect virus Antigen testing helps you proactively protect others And a form of others working to protecting you — them figuring out if they can transmit virus to you- Surveillance Rapid and economical because no...
What can Rapid Antigen testing do for New Zealand’s efforts to eliminate or live with Covid 19
WHAT IT IS Rapid antigen tests (RAT) detect the presence of certain proteins of the Covid-19 virus in symptomatic patients using an immunoassay test principle. We have been using this technology for decades for rapid and accessible screening for HIV, drugs, pregnancy...
The big questions around cannabis and construction
Over at Jobsite, Kylie Scott has written a great article taking a look at the issues surrounding cannabis legalisation and the construction industry. There is some concern from local construction bosses, but international evidence shows little or no impact following...
Are cannabis users unfairly targeted at work?
Are cannabis users unfairly targeted at work? With unemployment at record lows, more people on the jobseeker benefit than ever before and an acknowledged shortage of skilled tradespeople, a serious question must be asked: Are some capable people being kept out of work...
Cannabis law reform , the referendum and the fallout for workplaces management of increased Cannabis access and use
Cannabis law reform, the referendum and the fallout for workplaces management of increased Cannabis access and use. I saw this article written by National List MP Paul Goldsmith and was immediately taken by the very good summary of the issues and some key factors in...
The doctor who gave up on drugs- BBC TV programme
Prescribed but addictive drugs in NZ I have recommended this insightful programme to many so want to provide a link here for those who wish to know more about prescribed but extremely addictive drugs dispensed to NZ workers everyday. Cannabis and Methamphetamine are...
Effect of long tern use of opioids combined with cannabis for workplace
Opiods Not OK In my current work with Business’s there is increasing discussion around opioid use and safety sensitive workplaces strategy to this issue. I am firmly of the belief that Opioids present a threat to safety not to be dispelled with trust that because it’s...
Cannabis vs Alcohol Dependence- Social and Economic Costs by Jim Wigmore
Risk of Dependency One of the touted potential benefits of the decriminalization of marijuana is that cannabis dependence is less harmful than alcohol dependence. Granted the percentage of persons using cannabis who become dependent is only about 9%, compared to...