Key information about RAT testing

Key information about RAT testing

Key information about Rapid Antigen Testing

​Here’s a handy infographic to summarise the main points about the Roche RAT test. You can find out more about the RAT test on this page, and when you’re ready to make a purchase, take a look at our shop page.

Inscience Key info ROCHE RAT

The legacy of cannabis legalisation

The legacy of cannabis legalisation

​The legacy of cannabis legalisation

This link relates to a late night happenstance that made for an interesting watch. Main interest for Ann-louise was cannabis as a gateway drug, the emergence of dangerous edibles since cannabis has been legalised in Colorado and a huge increase in psychosis and psychotic episodes after legalisation largely attributed to higher THC dose “dabbing” or “dabs”. Interesting also as we had Colorado held up as a positive model during the cannabis legalisation debate in New Zealand. Recommended viewing!