Rapid antigen testing in COVID-19 population risk management

As the sole screening mechanism for COVID in real-time population management, PCR testing is not enough. Rapid antigen testing plays an integral, complementary role to PCR confirmatory testing. Regular testing with rapid results, multiple times a week, can greatly...

Rapid antigen testing? The big picture

Testing for(target) is different than PCR targets to detect virus Antigen testing helps you proactively protect others And a form of others working to protecting you — them figuring out if they can transmit virus to you- Surveillance Rapid and economical because no...
The big questions around cannabis and construction

The big questions around cannabis and construction

Over at Jobsite, Kylie Scott has written a great article taking a look at the issues surrounding cannabis legalisation and the construction industry. There is some concern from local construction bosses, but international evidence shows little or no impact following...
Are cannabis users unfairly targeted at work?

Are cannabis users unfairly targeted at work?

Are cannabis users unfairly targeted at work? With unemployment at record lows, more people on the jobseeker benefit than ever before and an acknowledged shortage of skilled tradespeople, a serious question must be asked: Are some capable people being kept out of work...